AHLA E-Newsletters

Connect directly with AHLA members through their member enewsletters - Health Law Daily and Health Law Weekly. Both channels are a great way to engage with an active community seeking info and content relative to the health law industry.


Health Law Daily

Industry news articles related to health law.

Circ 9,000 every day

Text ad size and availability: 2 Text ads per issue

Title: Maximum of 100 characters including spaces

Text: Maximum of 500 characters including spaces

Banner ad size and availability:  1 banner per issue, 600x160

Cost per week (includes 5 insertions, Mon-Fri): $925


Health Law Weekly

Content is topics by members for members.

Circ 9,000 every Friday

Text ad size and availability: 1 Text ad per issue

Specs: Image no bigger than 530 x 280 pixels (JPG)

Title: no more than 140 characters with spaces (2 lines)

Blurb: no more than 210 characters with spaces (3 lines)

Call to action: no more than 20 characters with spaces (button) 

Banner ad size and availability:  1 banner per issue, 600x160 

Cost per month (includes 4 insertions): $1,600

Deadlines for Submission

Health Law Weekly:

Ads are due 1 week prior to placement

Health Law Daily:

Ads are due on the 20th of each month

Reserve your ad space:

Contact Katy Lewis, 410-584-1996, katy.lewis@wearemci.com

Contact Megan Lebo for any Spec questions megan.lebo@wearemci.com




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